Hello world!

Hi everyone, I’m Bruno Borges as you can probably see from looking at website’s URL. Well, it isn’t an easy task to keep a blog running. Inspiration, time to write and other things usually increase the difficulty. Actually, this is my second attempt. Many years ago I had built a blog using the free hosting service from wordpress.com. It is never too late to try again and I have to be honest, this will be an even bigger challenge than before, because I’ve decided to write only in English which is not my main language, reason for this, is to improve my English writing skills, so, please be patient with me.

The other motivation for this blog is to record my entire IT experience until now, mainly with language programming. It is a good way that I’ve found to reinforce and share the knowledge, but IT won’t be my unique subject on this blog, everything related to myself worthy to share will be here =)

So, that’s it, if you want to know more about me visit my web profile and resume in brunoborges.info

I’m glad you came, enjoy the visit!